Journey to Yoga: After researching YTT’s in Oklahoma for years, I finally took the leap with 405. I was craving connection, feeling a little lost in life, just kind of chillin waiting for the next thing. I loved taking class.. why not teach? My first class there was the first day of TT (wowzas). After that I was hooked. I truly transformed in that room and created lasting connections with the best humans in the world. I found my confidence during this time. Now, it is so important to me to help facilitate that for other yogis. I encourage others to connect with themselves and find their confidence. Yoga taught me to connect with myself. It is my safe space. That being said, I strive to make the space we share safe and inviting so my students are able to find that connection and vulnerability, if they choose. A lot happens on the mat, and for me it translates into everyday life. Learning how to handle stress (physical or mental) is something I owe completely to yoga. Weird things happen when you’re holding a pose with sweat dripping in your eyes.... Let’s flow!