Journey to Yoga: Ashley’s yoga journey came by way of Pilates. In 2015 while on vacation in beautiful Martha’s Vineyard with her family, Ashley took her first yoga class outside of a gym setting. She immediately was hooked on the feeling she had in savasana. Since then she has incorporated yoga into her regular routine. After enrolling in Power Pilates NYC to become a Pilates instructor and subsequently having to drop out for a Military move, Ashley knew becoming a fitness instructor would be in her future. She would have never guessed the impact and love that yoga would bring to her life. Upon returning home from the east coast, she quickly found a yoga mentor that would continue to encourage her love of practicing and push her to become a teacher herself. In 2022 during a major life change (divorce) she found herself one night putting down a deposit for 405 YOGA’s YTT, without ever stepping foot in the studio. By fate and coincidence Ashley found her second home at 405 YOGA, and has never looked back.